

Looking for dance schools and courses? Discover the best dance lessons, styles, and events for children and adults. Dancing for health, weight loss, and as a hobby. Join dance clubs and workshops!

Nasty Dance Studio

+48 537 884 598
Twarda 18 , Warszawa
пн-чт: 20:00 - 22:00 сб: 11:00 - 17:00

Enjoy professional dance classes at Nasty Dance Studio. Experienced choreographers will help you master various dance styles and improve your technique. Join our dance studio now!

Vogue: dance, posing, walk

+48 883 477 364
По запросу сообщаю актуальное расписание групповых занятий. Для остальных форматов занятий индивидуально согласовывается день и время.

Learn all about Vogue dance, posing, and walk from Instagram blogger Verushka Bonchinche. Get tips and inspiration to create your unique look.

Dance classes

+995 591 880 806
Батуми, ул. Шалвы Инасаридзе, 23
Договорное. Написать можно в любое время, а после будем решать.

Join Rahul Ikusa's dance classes and improve your dance skills. Classes are held both in the studio and online. Subscribe to Rahul on Instagram and Telegram to stay up-to-date with the latest news.

Belarusian Traditional Dances in Trigorod (Gdansk)

Learn more about Belarusian traditional dances held in Trigorod (Gdansk). Find out about events, schedule and how to join the Facebook group.

Permotion Dance Studio

+48 503 449 743
ul. Jana Bytnara 19
15:00 - 16:00

Permotion Dance Studio in Warsaw offers a variety of dance classes for children and adults. Join our dance community and unleash your creative potential!

Permotion Dance Studio

+48 503 449 743
Świętokrzyska 18, Варшава
18:00 - 21:00

Permotion Dance Studio in Warsaw offers a variety of dance classes for children and adults. Join our dance community and unleash your creative potential!

Contemporary Dance Trainer

+995 591 029 384
Горгиладзе 91, студия джампинга
детские группы: вторник/четверг 10:30 - 11:30 взрослые группы: понедельник/среда 11:30 - 13:00 индивидуальные занятия: время выбирается совместно с занимающимся

Professional contemporary dance trainer. Classes for beginners and advanced. Schedule and registration on the website.

Dance school Modern Swing (WCS)

+370 698 134 28
Вильнюс, Ogmios miestas
Понедельники с 19:00

Dance school Modern Swing offers professional West Coast Swing training. Join our Facebook community and start your journey into the world of modern dance!

Dancing: Salsa Solo for Women

+995 595 094 603
С 19 апреля 2022: вт, чт 17.30-19.00

Learn to dance salsa solo for women in our classes. Gain skills and confidence in partnerless dance. Join our Instagram community @teguaninka.


+48 690 830 269

Learn to dance with professional choreographer Svetlana Dulub. Individual and group dance classes for beginners and continuing students. Sign up for a trial lesson!

Art Studio "Yarilo"

+382 673 646 57
г.Бар, ул.Македонская Е15
Студия открыта с 8.00 до 20.00

Art Studio "Yarilo" offers a wide range of creative activities and workshops for children and adults. Join our community and unleash your creative potential!

Dance School

+48 791 420 606
Zelazna 75
Пн-Чт 18:00 - 21:00

Dance School in Warsaw offers professional training in various dance styles, including salsa, bachata, merengue and others. Join our classes and improve your dance skills!

Dance studio LEO

+48 536 397 476
Пн. Ср 18:00 - 21:00 Вт. Чт 16:45 - 21:00

Dance studio LEO offers professional dance classes for children and adults. A wide range of directions, experienced teachers and modern infrastructure. Sign up for a trial lesson!


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