



BelMarket is a modern store located in a convenient area with coordinates 31.96414291534943, 34.80094476778417. We offer a wide range of goods for everyday needs, we work daily from 9:00 to 23:00. Our store is focused on quality service and affordable prices.

List of offered services

  • Sale of food and household goods.
  • Home delivery of goods.
  • Consultations on the choice of goods.

Price of services rendered

Prices for goods and services depend on the product category. You can clarify the cost by phone +972 509 777 053 or via email yakizebi@gmail.com.


  • Wide range of goods.
  • Convenient location of the store.
  • Affordable prices and promotions.

Known shortcomings

During peak hours, there may be an increase in waiting time at the checkout.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly is delivery carried out? Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
  • Question: Is there a warranty on the goods? Answer: Yes, for 6 months.

Reviews and rating

The overall store rating is 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our customers say:

  • "Excellent store with a large selection of goods and pleasant prices!"
  • "Delivery is fast, goods are always fresh."

Real customer stories and cases

  • "We helped Maria from Tel Aviv organize home delivery of groceries in just 2 hours — now she is our regular customer!"
  • "Thanks to the consultation of BelMarket employees, I found the perfect gift for my family."
  • "Delivery is always on time, and prices are lower than in other stores."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • What terms or details might be needed? Example: *"For fast delivery, specify the exact address and contact phone number."*
  • What documents or materials are needed? Example: *"To pay by card, prepare a bank card or cash."*
  • Important details: *"Be prepared to specify the delivery time in advance."*

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • The area where BelMarket is located is known for its historical buildings and cozy atmosphere.
  • We are located near a popular park where locals like to spend time.


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