Bielita Vitex is a store located in the center of Gdynia, offering a wide range of household goods. We work from 12:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays. Our store is located at: ul. Primernaya, 123, which makes it convenient to visit for residents and guests of the city.
List of offered services
- Sale of household goods.
- Consultations on product selection.
- Delivery of goods in Gdynia and surrounding areas.
Price of services
Prices for goods and services depend on the chosen product category. Detailed information can be clarified by phone +48 533 884 917 or in our store.
- Wide range of products.
- Convenient location in the center of Gdynia.
- Professional consultations from experienced employees.
Known disadvantages
Waiting time for consultation during peak hours can be up to 15 minutes.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly is delivery carried out?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is there a warranty on the goods?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5.
- "Excellent store with high-quality goods and fast delivery!" — Anna, Gdynia.
- "Employees are always ready to help with the choice. I recommend!" — Maria, Sopot.
Real customer stories and cases
- "We helped Anna from Gdynia choose the perfect set of dishes for her new kitchen — now she always recommends us to her friends!"
- "Thanks to fast delivery, Maria was able to prepare for the holiday on time."
- "The client from Sopot was satisfied with the quality of the goods and professional service."
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What terms or details might be needed?
Example: *"To clarify the availability of the goods, find out its article number in advance."*
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: *"To arrange delivery, prepare the address and contact details."*
- Important details:
*"Be prepared to specify the exact delivery time."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- On this street in the 19th century was the oldest market in Gdynia.
- We are located next to a famous cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.