
Chip Tuning

Auto services

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Chip Tuning is a professional service specializing in improving car performance. We are conveniently located at: 51.40945441316669, 16.21659781402944, making us accessible to clients from different areas. Our services include chip tuning, diagnostics and car tuning.

List of offered services

  • Chip tuning - improving engine power and efficiency.
  • Car diagnostics - identifying and troubleshooting malfunctions.
  • Electronic system tuning - optimizing the operation of the on-board computer.

Price of services

The cost of services depends on the type of work and the car model. Specify prices by phone +48 516 203 950 or by e-mail chuyashkou@gmail.com.


  • Warranty on all services - 6 months.
  • Experienced team of specialists with many years of experience.
  • Fast execution of work - within 24-48 hours.

Known disadvantages

Possible delays in order fulfillment during peak periods. We recommend booking in advance.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly are services performed? Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
  • Question: Is a warranty provided? Answer: Yes, for 6 months.

Reviews and rating

Our service has a rating of 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our clients say:

  • "Excellent service! The car started driving like new."
  • "Fast and efficient. I recommend it to everyone!"

Real customer stories and cases

  • "We helped Anna from Krakow improve the power of her car in just 2 hours - now she always recommends us to her friends!"
  • "The client from Wroclaw was satisfied with the diagnostics and tuning of electronic systems."
  • "The master arrived on time and quickly fixed the engine problem."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • What terms or details might be needed? Example: *"For car diagnostics, find out the model and year of manufacture in advance."*
  • What documents or materials are needed? Example: *"Prepare car documents to clarify the data."*
  • Important details: *"Be prepared to specify the exact time or address for the master's departure."*

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • On this street in the 18th century was the oldest market in Warsaw.
  • We are located near a famous cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.


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