A children's doctor in Odessa offers professional medical services for children of all ages. Our specialist with many years of experience is ready to help your child at any time. We are located in a convenient area of the city, making us accessible to all residents of Odessa and guests of the city.
List of offered services
- Consultation of a children's doctor.
- Diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases.
- Preventive examinations and vaccination.
Price of services rendered
The cost of services starts from 500 UAH per consultation. The exact price depends on the complexity of the case and the necessary procedures.
- Highly qualified specialist with extensive experience.
- Individual approach to each child.
- Guarantee of the quality of services provided.
Known shortcomings
There may be slight delays in appointments due to the doctor's high workload.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly can I make an appointment?
Answer: Usually, an appointment is available within 1-2 days.
- Question: Is there a guarantee on treatment?
Answer: Yes, we provide a guarantee on all types of treatment.
Reviews and rating
Our rating is 4.9 out of 5. Here's what our clients say:
- "Very attentive doctor who truly cares about children."
- "Quick and high-quality assistance in an emergency situation."
Real client stories and cases
- "We contacted the doctor with a high temperature in the child, and after an hour we received all the necessary recommendations and treatment."
- "The child stopped being afraid of doctors after the first visit to our specialist."
- "Thanks to timely diagnosis, we avoided serious complications."
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: *"You need to have the child's medical card with you."*
- Important details:
*"We recommend clarifying the appointment time in advance to avoid waiting."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- Our office is located in the historical center of Odessa, where there are many attractions.
- Next to us is a famous park where you can take a walk after seeing a doctor.