
FORWARD Auto Service

Auto services

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FORWARD Auto Service is a professional car service located in Gdańsk, Poland. We offer a wide range of car repair and maintenance services. Our service works from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, making us a convenient choice for car owners looking for quality and fast repair.

List of offered services

  • Engine diagnostics and repair.
  • Oil change and maintenance.
  • Suspension and brake system repair.
  • Painting and bodywork.

Price of services

The cost of services depends on the complexity of the work. Engine diagnostics starts from 100 PLN, and oil change - from 150 PLN. The exact price can be clarified by phone or during a personal visit.


  • Warranty on all types of work for up to 6 months.
  • Experienced team of masters with many years of experience.
  • Fast order fulfillment - most services are performed within 24-48 hours.

Known disadvantages

During peak hours, there may be an increase in waiting time for service registration. We recommend booking in advance.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly are services performed? Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
  • Question: Is a warranty provided? Answer: Yes, for 6 months.

Reviews and rating

Our service has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 based on customer reviews. Here's what our customers say:

  • "Excellent service! Quickly repaired the brakes, now the car is like new."
  • "Very pleased with the quality of painting. I recommend it to everyone!">

Real customer stories and cases

  • "We helped Marek from Gdańsk restore his car's engine in just 2 days - now he recommends us to all his friends!">
  • "Anna from Sopot was pleased with the oil change and maintenance - now she is a regular customer of our service."
  • "Thanks to our service, Peter from Gdynia was able to quickly repair the suspension and continue his journey without delays."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • What terms or details may be needed? Example: *"For engine diagnostics, prepare information about the car model in advance."*
  • What documents or materials are needed? Example: *"Come with car documents for quick order processing."*
  • Important details: *"Specify the exact time of your visit to avoid waiting."*

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • Our workshop is located near the historical center of Gdańsk, where a large trading port was located in the 17th century.
  • Near our service is a popular cafe that serves the best coffee in the city - the perfect place to wait for the repair to be completed.


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