
LIBERTY DRIVE Help in obtaining driver's licenses

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LIBERTY DRIVE is a professional service specializing in assisting with obtaining driver's licenses in Georgia. We are located in a convenient area of Tbilisi, not far from the city center, which makes us accessible to clients from different parts of the capital. Our team guarantees prompt and high-quality service, helping you save time and nerves.

List of offered services

  • Assistance in processing documents for obtaining driver's licenses.
  • Consultations on passing exams in Georgia.
  • Support at all stages of obtaining a driver's license.

Price of services rendered

The cost of services depends on the chosen package and starts from 100 GEL. The exact price can be clarified by phone or via Telegram.


  • Guarantee of successful obtaining of rights.
  • Experienced team with many years of experience.
  • Prompt execution of all stages.

Known shortcomings

There may be minor delays in processing documents due to bureaucratic procedures.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly are the services performed? Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
  • Question: Is a guarantee provided? Answer: Yes, for 6 months.

Reviews and rating

Our service has a rating of 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our clients say:

  • "Thank you for your help! I got my license in just a week!"
  • "Very professional and fast. I recommend!"

Real client stories and cases

  • "We helped Ivan from Moscow obtain a driver's license in just 5 days — now he confidently drives a car in Tbilisi!"
  • "Maria from Kyiv passed the exam on the first try thanks to our consultations."
  • "Alexander from Minsk received a license without any hassle and now recommends us to all his friends."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • What documents are needed? Example: *"Prepare your passport and a medical certificate."*
  • Important details: *"Specify the exact time for consultation or document processing."*

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • Our office is located next to the famous Vake Park, where you can take a walk after visiting us.
  • The area is famous for its cozy cafes, which serve the best coffee in the city.


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