
Masaż, terapia manualna, chiropraktyka


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Massage, manual therapy, and chiropractic are professional massage and manual therapy services located in Warsaw. We offer a wide range of services to restore health and improve well-being. Our center is located in a convenient area with excellent transport accessibility, making it comfortable for all clients.

List of offered services

  • Classic massage - muscle relaxation and improved blood circulation.
  • Manual therapy - restoration of joint and spine mobility.
  • Chiropractic - posture correction and elimination of pain syndromes.

Price of services

  • Classic massage - from 150 PLN per session.
  • Manual therapy - from 200 PLN per session.
  • Chiropractic - from 250 PLN per session.


  • Experienced specialists with many years of experience.
  • Individual approach to each client.
  • Flexible working hours - from 9:00 to 21:00 without days off.

Known disadvantages

There may be minor delays in the schedule due to the high workload of specialists.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly can I make an appointment? Answer: Usually, an appointment is available within 1-2 days.
  • Question: Is there a guarantee on the services? Answer: Yes, we guarantee the quality of our services.

Reviews and rating

Our service has a 4.8 out of 5 rating based on client reviews. Here's what our clients say:

  • "Excellent massage, I felt brand new!"
  • "Thank you for the professional approach and attention to detail."

Real client stories and cases

  • "After a course of manual therapy, my back pain completely disappeared. Now I can play sports again!"
  • "Chiropractic helped me correct my posture, and I feel much more confident."
  • "Classic massage has become a real salvation for me after hard working days."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • We recommend clarifying the time of your visit in advance and preparing medical documents, if any.
  • For maximum effect, we advise you to take a course of several sessions.

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • Our center is located in a historical area of Warsaw, where the first beauty salons were located in the 19th century.
  • Next to us is a famous park where you can take a walk after a massage session.


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