Petsitter is a professional pet care service located in a convenient area of Warsaw. We offer a wide range of services for your pets, including walking, feeding, and temporary accommodation. Our specialists work at any time to ensure the comfort and safety of your pets.
List of offered services
- Dog walking at your convenient time.
- Feeding and caring for animals in your absence.
- Temporary accommodation of pets in comfortable conditions.
Price of services
The cost of services depends on their type and duration. Specify prices with our manager by phone +48 793 957 770.
- Flexible working hours - available at any time.
- Experienced specialists with a love for animals.
- Guarantee of service quality and an individual approach to each client.
Known disadvantages
Possible delays in the specialist's departure during peak hours.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly are the services performed?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is a guarantee provided?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5.
- "Excellent service! My dog is always delighted with walks from Petsitter." — Anna, Warsaw.
- "It's very convenient that you can order the service at any time. I recommend it!" — Maria, Krakow.
Real client stories and cases
- "We helped Anna from Warsaw organize the daily walking of her dog - now she is calm about her pet!"
- "Thanks to Petsitter, Maria was able to go on vacation without worrying about her cat."
- "Our specialists provided temporary accommodation for the client's dog during the repair - everything went perfectly!"
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What details might be needed?
Example: *"Specify the features of caring for your pet."*
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: *"Prepare information about the habits and preferences of your animal."*
- Important details:
*"Specify the exact time and address for the specialist's departure."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- On this street in the 18th century was the oldest market in Warsaw.
- We are located near a famous park where local residents and their pets like to walk.