Psy Wrocław offers professional dog walking and boarding services in Wrocław. We work around the clock to provide your pet with care and attention at any time. Our service is located in a convenient part of the city, making us accessible to all residents of Wrocław.
List of offered services
- Dog walking: individual and group walks.
- Dog boarding: comfortable accommodation for your pet during your absence.
- Additional services: feeding, playing and caring for the dog.
Price of services
The cost of services depends on the duration and type of service chosen. Specify prices by phone or email.
- 24/7 operation.
- Experienced specialists with a love for animals.
- Guarantee of safety and comfort for your pet.
Known disadvantages
Waiting time may increase during peak hours, especially on weekends.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly are the services performed?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is a guarantee provided?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5.
- "Excellent service! My dog always comes back happy."
- "Very convenient that they work around the clock. I recommend!"
Real client stories and cases
- "We helped Anna from Wrocław with boarding her dog during her vacation - now she always recommends us to her friends!"
- "Thanks to Psy Wrocław, our dog became more active and healthy."
- "Excellent service that truly cares about animals."
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What terms or details might be needed?
Example: "For boarding, specify the specifics of your pet's diet and daily routine."
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: "When contacting us for the first time, prepare your dog's medical record."
- Important details:
"Be prepared to specify the exact time and place for walking or boarding."
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- On this street in the 19th century was the oldest park in Wrocław, which is still popular among local residents.
- We are located next to a well-known cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.