Scrap Kisiel is a unique workshop specializing in creating scrap-booking art. We are located in a picturesque area of the city with coordinates 53.14654514987344, 23.15194295412585. Our works inspire and delight clients, and our convenient location makes us accessible to all art lovers.
List of offered services
- Creating individual scrap-booking albums.
- Conducting handicraft workshops.
- Making postcards and decorative elements for the interior.
Price of services
The cost of services depends on the complexity of the order. Individual albums start from $50, and workshops from $20 per session.
- 6-month warranty on all products.
- Experienced team of craftsmen with many years of experience.
- Fast order fulfillment - within 24-48 hours.
Known disadvantages
Due to the high popularity of our services, waiting time may increase during peak periods.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly are the services performed?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is a warranty provided?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
Our overall rating is 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our clients say:
- *"The album I ordered exceeded all expectations! Thank you Scrap Kisiel for your professionalism!"*
- *"The workshop was so exciting that I've already signed up for the next one!"*
Real client stories and cases
- *"We helped Maria create a unique album for her wedding - now she recommends us to all her friends!"*
- *"Thanks to Scrap Kisiel, I was able to make a handmade gift that amazed the whole family!"*
- *"Our workshop inspired Anna to create her own business in the field of handicrafts!"*
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What materials are needed?
Example: *"For participation in workshops, bring scissors and glue."*
- Important details:
*"Specify the time and date of the workshops in advance, as the number of seats is limited."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- *"Our area is famous for its historical buildings that inspire artists from all over the world."*
- *"We are located near a park where you can enjoy nature and get inspired for creativity."*