
SmartCare_AutoStudio Car Wash/Detailing

Auto services

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SmartCare_AutoStudio is a professional car wash and detailing center located in a convenient area of Warsaw. We offer a wide range of car care services, including washing, polishing, and body protection. Our service works from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00, and on Saturday from 9:00 to 16:00. We are located at: 52.21774224049489, 21.00817229673446.

List of offered services

  • Complex car wash.
  • Body polishing to restore shine.
  • Application of protective coatings (ceramics, wax).
  • Interior cleaning.

Price of services

The cost of services depends on the chosen package. A complex wash starts from 100 PLN, and detailing services - from 300 PLN. Please specify the exact prices by phone or through social networks.


  • Warranty on all types of work - 6 months.
  • Experienced team with many years of experience.
  • Use of professional materials and equipment.

Known disadvantages

During peak hours, waiting time may increase. We recommend booking in advance.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly are the services performed? Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
  • Question: Is there a warranty? Answer: Yes, for 6 months.

Reviews and rating

Our rating is 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our customers say:

  • "Excellent service! The car looks like new."
  • "Fast and high-quality. I recommend!"

Real customer stories and cases

  • "We helped Marek from Warsaw restore the shine of his car in just 3 hours - now he is a regular customer!"
  • "Anna from Krakow was pleased with the interior cleaning - now she recommends us to all her friends."
  • "Thanks to our protective ceramics, Peter's car looks perfect even after six months."

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • What terms or details might be needed? Example: *"For detailing, specify the condition of the body in advance."*
  • What documents or materials are needed? Example: *"Come with a clean car for a more accurate assessment."*
  • Important details: *"Be prepared to specify the exact booking time."*

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • On this street in the 18th century was the oldest market in Warsaw.
  • We are located next to a famous cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.


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