
Yavarovy Liudzi Vocal Group

Рэпетыцыі адбываюцца ў буднія дні ў вечаровы час

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Yavarovy Liudzi Vocal Group is a creative collective that holds rehearsals on weekdays in the evening. The group is based in the area with coordinates 43.66092810122715, -79.44280675961255, making it accessible to residents and guests of the city. You can learn more about the collective on their Facebook page.

List of offered services

  • Vocal and choral singing rehearsals.
  • Participation in cultural events and concerts.
  • Master classes in folk singing.

Price of services

Please specify the cost of services via email: vkovaleva@hotmail.com.


  • Experienced team with many years of experience.
  • Convenient rehearsal time - evening hours.
  • Active participation in the cultural life of the region.

Known disadvantages

Rehearsals are held only on weekdays, which may be inconvenient for those who are busy at this time.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Question: How quickly can I join the group? Answer: After agreement with the group leader.
  • Question: Are there any age restrictions? Answer: No, the group is open to all ages.

Reviews and rating

Overall group rating: 4.7 out of 5.

  • "Yavarovy Liudzi is not just a group, it's a family! I highly recommend it to everyone who loves folk music." - Anna, group member.
  • "Excellent performances and a warm atmosphere at rehearsals." - Ivan, viewer.

Real customer stories and cases

  • "Thanks to Yavarovy Liudzi, I discovered the beauty of folk singing and now participate in concerts." - Sergey, group member.
  • "The group helped me find new friends and unleash my creative potential." - Maria, member.
  • "Yavarovy Liudzi is always bright performances and unforgettable emotions." - Olga, viewer.

Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service

  • To participate in rehearsals, please clarify the schedule with the group leader in advance.
  • Prepare for rehearsals: bring water and comfortable clothes.
  • Important: rehearsals are held only on weekdays in the evening.

Unique or interesting facts about the area

  • The area where the group is based is known for its cultural traditions and historical buildings.
  • Near the rehearsal place is a popular park where festivals and concerts are often held.


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