Twòj detailing is a professional car care service located in a convenient area of the city. We offer a wide range of services, including washing, polishing and body protection. Our service operates from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00, and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 16:00.
List of offered services
- Car wash - professional cleaning of the body and interior.
- Body polishing - restoration of shine and elimination of minor scratches.
- Body protection - application of protective coatings for durability.
Price of services rendered
The cost of services depends on the type of work and the condition of the car. Specify prices by phone +48 786 497 494 or via email
- Warranty on all types of work - 6 months.
- Experienced team of specialists with many years of experience.
- Fast order fulfillment - within 24-48 hours.
Known shortcomings
Minor delays are possible during peak hours due to the high workload of the service.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly are services performed?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is a warranty provided?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
The overall service rating is 4.8 out of 5. Here's what our clients say:
- "Excellent service! The car looks like new."
- "Fast and efficient. I recommend!"
Real customer stories and cases
- "We helped Anna from Krakow restore the shine of her car in just 2 hours - now she always recommends us to her friends!"
- "The client from Wroclaw was satisfied with the protective body coating, which keeps the car in perfect condition for a year."
- "Thanks to our service, the client's car from Warsaw looks like new, despite 5 years of operation."
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What terms or details might be needed?
Example: *"To accurately assess the condition of the body, prepare information about the car's mileage in advance."*
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: *"When ordering services, you must have car documents with you."*
- Important details:
*"Be prepared to specify the exact time or address for the master's departure."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- On this street in the 18th century was the oldest market in Warsaw.
- We are located next to a famous cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.