The beauty salon "KERATIN/BOTOX/COLD HAIR RESTORATION" offers professional hairdressing services in the heart of the city. We specialize in hair restoration and care, using modern technologies and high-quality materials. Our salon is conveniently located in the center, making it accessible to all residents and guests of the city.
List of offered services
- Keratin hair restoration
- Botox for hair
- Cold hair restoration
Price of services
The cost of services varies depending on the length and condition of the hair. Please check prices with the administrator.
- Use of only certified materials
- Experienced masters with many years of experience
- Service warranty up to 6 months
Known disadvantages
Possible minor delays in booking due to high salon occupancy.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: How quickly are the services performed?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
- Question: Is there a warranty?
Answer: Yes, for 6 months.
Reviews and rating
Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5.
- "Excellent service and professional masters!"
- "Hair became like new, thank you!"
Real client stories and cases
- "We helped Marina restore her hair after unsuccessful dyeing - now she always recommends us to her friends!"
- "Anna from our city received hair botox, and the result exceeded all expectations!"
- "Keratin hair restoration helped Elena restore shine and health to her hair."
Brief summary: what you need to know before using the service
- What terms or details might be needed?
Example: *"To diagnose the condition of your hair, find out in advance what procedures you have already undergone."*
- What documents or materials are needed?
Example: *"If you have allergies, prepare a list of allergens."*
- Important details:
*"Be prepared to specify the exact booking time."*
Unique or interesting facts about the area
- On this street in the 18th century was the oldest market in the city.
- We are located next to a famous cafe that serves the best coffee in the city.